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The APRM relies on a strong body of members to undertake its mission of protecting the rural values of the community we love. The membership renewal process is now open.


We ask everyone to read and agree with the APRM's Mission prior to joining. Click here to see.


Membership is now $20 for a one year term on an individual basis, or $35 for a family. Where possible, we'd so appreciate all members of a household signing on as individual members:


You can join or renew your membership in three ways:


INTERACT payment to

  • We do not need a password to receive payment (however, your on-line banking system may require this for setting up the APRM as a payee). 


Drop off payment at Metchosin General Store

  • Please bring your payment in an envelope to the front counter, including the names of those who are renewing or joining.

  • Thanks to the folks at the General Store for their help (and being such a great community resource throughout the COVID-19 pandemic)


Mail your payment to us:

  • Our address is:


#2 - 4401 William Head Road

RR 1 Victoria, B.C.   V9C 3Y6


Your contact information:

  • If you are an existing member and your contact information hasn't recently changed - we're all good. If there has been a change, please let us know.

  • If you are a new member, we require the first and last names of members, your mailing address, phone number and email.

  • The APRM does NOT share member registration information with third parties.



The APRM is dedicated to the protection of rural Metchosin. There's a new urgency to our efforts and we need your help.


Hyper-development on the Westshore and the threat to Metchosin

Residential and commercial growth in Langford, Colwood and Sooke is occurring on a massive scale. This scale of growth will not stop anytime soon.


Look at the Royal Bay development, just outside of Metchosin’s boundaries. The next two phases of this development are expected to include 2,600 apartment dwelling spaces, 1,500 single family and townhomes, and one million square feet of commercial space. This is just one of numerous major developments planned for the Westshore.


Projected population growth to 2038 from the

CRD’s 2018 Regional Growth Strategy:


Metchosin 6.1% (300 new people)

Colwood 87.3% (14,500 new people)

Langford 60.5% (18,100 new people)


More and more people will be using our roads, Metchosin-based parkland and trails.  As a result, trails in our community will experience increased erosion, garbage accumulation, including human and pet waste. We should expect higher maintenance costs as a result.


Metchosin is already under increasing pressure to open up to commercial and industrial development. After all, our District has some of the last remaining undeveloped land on the Westshore. We are on the watch for pressure to amalgamate Metchosin into the broader Westshore communities. 


A rural Metchosin is important for everyone

We believe that Metchosin’s green spaces hold intrinsic value. The lands within Metchosin provide food, places where people can enjoy forests, habitat connectivity with the wilderness areas of the Sooke Hills and an irreplaceable “carbon sink” in a time of climate change.


Add your voice and help protect rural Metchosin

The APRM closely monitors District activities and actively engages our Council in protecting rural Metchosin. By joining the APRM, you can help empower our efforts.  


The APRM will keep you informed and provide ideas on how you can engage our Council and other decision makers in sustaining Metchosin’s rural values. Your support is a critical to protecting this community.


Thank you for your support!


The APRM is dedicated to preserving the rural life and peaceful co-existence of homes, farmlands, forests, natural habitats and trails in our community. The APRM engages individuals and organizations through solid working relationships in the task of protecting our rural values. It informs members and the general public of threats, opportunities and issues impacting our future as a rural community.


#2-4401 William Head Road

RR 1 Victoria BC

V9C 3Y6


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