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APRM Executive 

President - Jay Shukin ( or 778-433-1707 )
Vice-President - Chris Moehr
Treasurer - Kathleen Zimmerman
Secretary - Rachel French de Mejia
Director at Large - Mark Atherton
Director at Large -  Sasha Kubicek

Thank you to the volunteers who support the APRM.
Council note takers:
Pattie Whitehouse (coordinator), Bev Hall, Diana Smith and Jay Shukin.

Council agenda and note distribution:
Frank Mitchell.

Site Administration: Jay Shukin
Photography: Jochen Moehr



The APRM is dedicated to preserving the rural life and peaceful co-existence of homes, farmlands, forests, natural habitats and trails in our community. The APRM engages individuals and organizations through solid working relationships in the task of protecting our rural values. It informs members and the general public of threats, opportunities and issues impacting our future as a rural community.


#2-4401 William Head Road

RR 1 Victoria BC

V9C 3Y6


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